If you want to buy cheap paintings to hang on the walls of your new apartment or house; or think of making a good investment; or you simply collect pieces of Russian art then you have come to the right place! In our online gallery you can find special offers for paintings, sculptures and photographs. You can buy cheap Russian paintings right here and right now! The majority of our painters are professionals, who from time to time are ready to sell their works with a discount to be able to keep on working during difficult periods. The purchaser in his turn can benefit from getting an artwork for a reduced price for his collection, gift or interior decoration. This way, it is advantageous for the artist, the buyer and the gallery, which gains its agent fee. During discounts we have cheap paintings for sale, which you can buy to make your interior look luxurious and stylish and to please your soul for reasonable money. You can commission a portrait in water-colours or oil as well as a copy of a famous masterpiece of Russian or world art; wall or ceiling painting. The discounts spread on sculptures, photographs and Limited Edition Prints as well.