Everybody has his own preferences in regard to art, which once again proves the simple truth that tastes differ. Even though it is a proven fact that certain shape and colour schemes can produce certain effect on people in general regardless of their personality, still everyone is unique and perceives the world differently – a fact that actually explains the existence of such a great variety of different styles in art. So we introduced a special service called My Art Gallery, which allows one to feel oneself an art critique or dealer. It allows you to pick the pictures that strike you most out of the 10 thousand high-quality images stored in our website and create your own gallery. The service is only available to registered users, and if you have an account and want to share your selection with friends all you need to do is give them your login and password. It is very user-friendly; to add a picture you just need to push the button Add to My Gallery on the fancied page. We hope you will appreciate our service and involve your near and dear in the exciting process of exploration of the enigmatic world of art..