Capiton Zelencov

Zelencov Capiton

Capiton A. Zelencov (March 1790 - 3 (15) May 1845) - Russian amateur painter, pupil of Venetsianov.
They are made, including the drawings to the collected works of F. Bulgarin (S. Galaktionov engraved in 1832), to "Dmitry the Pretender" by Pushkin (1832), to "Leonid" Zagoskina (1832) and "Yuri Miloslavsky" his own (engraved Skotnikov in 1838).
In 1833, for the painting "workshop PV Basin" Imperial Academy of Arts awarded the title of academician Zelentsova perspective painting.
Of his other works written by distinguished oil paints sketches:
"The boy with a jug"
"Old man"
"Young farmer"
"Perspective view room" (M. P. Fabricius, in St. Petersburg.)
pencil drawing "The sale of milk and brought down" (in the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow).
Author of the book "ABC entertainment composed and sketched KA Zelentsova" (SPb. 1835).