The artist passes a long and uneasy way, comprehending life, affirming by the art in completeness and variety of spiritual life.
Creative goals, orientation of searches, character of development of individual style, manner gradual selection of favourite plots, that, motives - all this is subordinated to one task - to find an exact measure of interdependence of real supervision gathered from the environmental world and ideal representations, deeply personal and simultaneously produced by time. Comparing among themselves pictures of the artist, feel strict gradation in a degree of approach of the manner, elected by him of the letter that distinguishes its own sensation of the world, defines his individual " philosophy of beauty ". In this sense the creativity of the artist Igor Rodionov causes the special interest.
His best products differ by clearness of item constructions, reasonableness and carefulness in selection of details. His landscapes, still life, portraits, subject compositions can be as a group perceived as creative record of dialogue of time and man. The pictures of the artist are interesting to it. The severe interconsistency private common, personal and social in his cloths attracts. But farly from being required measure of accuracy at once was is found by the artist, the deeply original aspects of perception of daily events and concrete things are found.
The artist developed by the way. From congestion and complication of the first cloths he has passed to simple constructions, from a spontaneity of vision to the in details balanced philosophical position, to reliance of necessity consciously to be disaccustomed to look only that the habit offers to a look. All efforts of the artist are directed on achievement of simplicity, clearness and depth of art generalization.
Landscape for the artist - special area of art, where he finds opportunities to catch exact scale of life of a nature and man. Representing environment of the people, Igor aspires to avoid the superficial relation in treatment of natural motives, and the rigid fixing of environmental elements within the limits of a landscape canvas speaks about the usual concept of this genre at the artist.
In, whole landscapes of Igor Rodionov allow to see the world which environments the man, by such, to what it happens only once, when our disinterested sight suddenly finds out greatness of transformations, occurring around of us.
The genre of still life for the artist is a special way to find out the device of the world to show, as though theatre of things. Things for him other phenomenon of the people, and their relation on a canvas - composition of life, when the subjects teach the man to dialogue.
Can be, therefore so is underlined their presence at portraits of Igor is designated.
In the portrait creativity Igor makes a start at work above a concrete canvas from any taken idea, he comes to the art truth gradually, as though removing covers casual that in the man common. In each product the artist aspires to intellectual! To penetration into the world of model more precisely to reflect character, internal essence.
The essence of the man, even being concentrated on itself or in itself, on presentation of the artist, will be reflected in all things environmental the person, - for this reason they only marks in pictures. But all this does not deny portrait similarity and Igor masterly transfers it in the remarkable works.
Andrew Kurnosov
The artist, friend
Rodionov Igor Ivanovich was born in 1962 in city Vladimir. Since 1976 for 1980 studied at children's art school. In 1980 has student in the Vladimir state pedagogical institute of P. I Lebedev - Poliansky on art - graphic faculty.
Has ended institute in 1985. Worked in the field of advertising and registration of public buildings, but never stopped creative work. Now completely has devoted itself to painting.
Participated in numerous exhibitions of the students graphic faculty. 1980 - 1986.
Allrussian exhibition of the graduates is art - graphic faculties. 1986.
2000. An exhibition of. Magdebourg, first international art festival of. Magdebourg.
2001. An exhibition of. Magdebourg, second international art festival of. Magdebourg.
The works are in private collections in Russia, Ireland, Germany and USA.