The city landscape is the basis of Dmitri Drozdetsky's ("Mitrich") art. (Still lifes and portraits are on the occasion, also.) His early period of art was influenced by the "paris painting school" and "Mitki" art group; he have inherited their interest to solve sofisticated coloristic ideas, light & air space with color. Dmitri Drozdetsky has a rich nuanced palette. He tries to approach the decorative solutions in composition - that finds itself in mosaic' touch texture, what is a typical post-expressionism feature.
Dmitri also is engaged in the book-art and graphic art, which make reminiscences of art-nouveau' works.
Symbolism is another direction of his art, whish is less important. Drozdetsky have find there his own bright, original, visionary ideas, based on surrealism and Breigel and Bosch' art school heritage.
Currently, Dmitri is the co-chairman of "Krasny Matros/Mitky" ("The Red Sailor") art group. He is also the member of the International Federation of Artists (UNESCO).
Anna Strazds, art-critic (Latvia)