Andrey Shlykoff, photographer

Russia, St. Petersburg
Andrey Shlykoff, photographer - buy photo of photographer Andrey Shlykoff

Andrey SHLYKOFF was born in 1955 in small small town Malmyzh, that on Vyatka. A photo has joined after at date of birth has received from the father in a gift a camera "Spring". However, the school hobby paleontology has won attachment to the fine art, and, after the termination{*ending*} secondary school, Andrey acts in the Leningrad state university of a name of Zhdanov, on faculty of geology. However, a photo does not throw, removes, the in - basic, as a hobby, on all expeditions where it happens. Having worked in geology till 1988, having decided, that with bent for of a photo to struggle may not any more, became the professional photographer. The beginnings, as well as the majority, from photographing kiddies in kindergarten and schools. Then - work in film-photolaboratories of factory "KamAZ", cooperation with regional newspapers and magazines, work with concepted advertising agencies. In 1996 has created the design group ASSA engaged in polygraphic advertising in which works and now.

Photographes Andrey essentially only on a color slide. Works basically as "narrow" cameras of firm "Canon". Basic "attachments" - a landscape, a genre portrait, photographing of a nature.

The photos prefers to not name, considering, that the picture only then may have the right to life when she{*it*} causes emotions and is clear to the spectator without an explanation in the signature.

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Andrey Shlykoff
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Andrey Shlykoff
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Andrey Shlykoff
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Andrey Shlykoff
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Andrey Shlykoff
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Andrey Shlykoff
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