Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky, artist

Russia, Cheboksary
Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky, artist - buy painting, print of artist Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky

"Everyone has a choice: to do Good or to do Evil. The same relates to the art. Art is a personification of Godly Beauty and Harmony. Perfection is beautiful. Art should not be infested with grimacing. On the contrary, it reflects the best of the world around us. True Art carries a message warming hearts of people and opening for them a way to Goodness and Love. This mission requires from an artist a lot of spiritual and physical power, love and self-sacrifice. This is also a grave responsibility. One should become a part of his work, to love it, to feel joy of every line, of every right stroke; as a result, the work receives a fund of positive spiritual energy and love. This fund stays forever.

The strive of perfection lives in every person. It keeps calling us forward and up! To bring joy to people, to let them see beauty of the world - this is the predestination of an artist.

I am an adherent of strengthening and development of the Russian realistic art."

Aleksandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky

Merited Artist of the Chuvash Republic

Works of artist

Girl with pearls
Girl with pearls
2015, other, watercolor, 5x4 cm
Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky
Price on request
1993; 2020, paper, watercolor, 23x14 cm
Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky
3750 $
Shotov motive
Shotov motive
2018, paper, watercolor, 20x36 cm
Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky
Price on request
Provincial town
Provincial town
2017, paper, watercolor, 18x19 cm
Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky
Price on request
2019, paper, watercolor, 5x9 cm
Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky
Price on request
Chartkov dreams ... (collection of the Gogol House)
Chartkov dreams ... (collection of the Gogol House)
2019, paper, watercolor, 13x16 cm
Alexsandr Mukhin-Cheboksarsky
The Creative Biography
MUKHIN-CHEBOKSARSKY, Alexandr Leonidovich was born in 1960.

WINNER II Artiada Russia. Moscow. 1996
WINNER of the First Prize of the 1st contest of artists of the CIS countries. Moscow. 1998
Honored Artist of the Chuvash Republic. Cheboksary. 2005
WINNER Diploma "worthy" of the Russian Academy of Arts. Moscow. 2005
Laureate of international contests easel graphics. Moscow. 2006
Record holder Russian artists (watercolor portrait -. 0,5h0,5). Moscow. "PP" Association. 2007

He studied at the Art School number...

MUKHIN-CHEBOKSARSKY, Alexandr Leonidovich was born in 1960.

WINNER II Artiada Russia. Moscow. 1996
WINNER of the First Prize of the 1st contest of artists of the CIS countries. Moscow. 1998
Honored Artist of the Chuvash Republic. Cheboksary. 2005
WINNER Diploma "worthy" of the Russian Academy of Arts. Moscow. 2005
Laureate of international contests easel graphics. Moscow. 2006
Record holder Russian artists (watercolor portrait -. 0,5h0,5). Moscow. "PP" Association. 2007

He studied at the Art School number 2 Cheboksary (1972-1977). He graduated from the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute. IY Yakovlev (graphic arts department, 1977-1982). Graduated MGAHI them. Surikov (workshop of the book Professor. BA Dehterёva, 1989-1995). International classical philosophical school (1992-1995). International creative internship at the International School of Fine Arts. Aix-en-Provence, France, 1995. Member of about 170 art exhibitions since 1980 (international, foreign, national, regional, national, urban). Of them - 21 personal exhibitions. It has about 90 publications in the press. He created more than 450 works (drawings, paintings). I visited more than 70 cities of the former USSR for creative acquaintance with historical and artistic culture and nature of the region. Member VTOO "CXP" since 1997

Saratov VVIUHZ. Saratov.
JSC "Energofininvest". Moscow.
International School of Fine Arts. Aix-en-Provence. France.
MGAHI them. IN AND. Surikov. Moscow.
ITAR-TASS. Moscow.
House of the Russian Union of Writers. Moscow.
Art Gallery "At Kotelniki". Moscow.
Chuvash State Art Museum. Cheboksary. CR.
Moscow Culture Fund. Moscow.
Central House of Artists. Moscow.
ANO Art-club "Gallery". Moscow.
National Museum of Fine Arts. Yoshkao-Ola. RME.
International Concert Agency (ICA). Moscow.
Apartment Museum animalism M. Aliyev. Moscow.
"The New Peter" Hotel. Karlovy Vary. Czech Republic.
Assembly Magazine "Russian Gallery - 1 century." Moscow.
"Protection" Moscow Bar Association. Moscow.
Novocheboksarskiy Art Museum. Novocheboksarsk. CR.
Museum School portrait Anatoly Movlyav. Omsk.
Museum of local history and the history of the city. Novocheboksarsk. CR.

PRIVATE COLLECTION 20 countries of the world
Russia, Australia, England, Guinea-Bissau, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Canada, China, Colombia, Mexico, Mongolia, the USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Ethiopia.

1982 II All-Russian Exhibition RSFSR teacher training institutions "School - teacher - art". Moscow. Central Exhibition Hall "Manege".
1992 International Exhibition "LIGHT OF THE WORLD", dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the repose of St.. Sergius of Radonezh. Moscow. Central Exhibition Hall "Manege".
1994 Regional Exhibition "Autumn-94." MOSH. OT MDC.
1995 "Youth Exhibition-XXI». Moscow. OT MDC.
1996 Second Artiada Russia. Moscow. PAX.
1997 VII Moscow exhibition-competition «Gold brush-97." CHA.
1998 I competition artists of the CIS countries. Moscow.
1998 Days of Culture of the Chuvash Republic in Moscow. Under the auspices of UNESCO. OT CX Russia.
1998 "Big Volga-98". VIII Regional Exhibition. Nizhny Novgorod. NGVK.
1999 All-Russian exhibition "RUSSIA-IX». Moscow. Central Exhibition Hall "Manege".
1999 "200 years of Pushkin." Cheboksary. CHGHM.
2000 Spring exhibition of Moscow artists. Moscow. Central House of Arts.
2002 International Christmas Fair. Moscow. CHA.
2002-03 "Watercolor". The first exhibition of watercolor artists of the ITRs. Yoshkar-Ola. RMII.
2003 Moscow International Salon "CHA-2003".
2003 "Big Volga-2003". IX Regional Exhibition. Nizhny Novgorod. NGVK.
2004 All-Russian exhibition "RUSSIA-X». Moscow. CHA.
2004 Regional Exhibition "Art of republics of the Volga-2004". Saransk. MRMII, OT.
2005 International exhibition "VICTORY!" Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Moscow. CHA.
2005 "70 years of the Union of Artists of Chuvashia." Cheboksary. CHGHM.
2006 International Contest of easel graphics. Moscow.
2007 Modern graphics Chuvashia artists. Novocheboksarsk. NHM.
2008 «Big Volga-X". Jubilee regional exhibition. Cheboksary. CHGHM.
2009 All-Russian exhibition "RUSSIA-XI». Moscow. CHA.
2010 International exhibition "Russian Art: REVIVAL" dedicated to the year of France in Russia. "Moscow City". Federation Tower". Presentation of the album.
2011 All-Russian exhibition "Art of republics of the Volga region". Saransk. MRMII, OT.
2012 International exhibition "Living Spring". Novocheboksarsk. NHM
2012 All-Russian exhibition "valor alive in the hearts of confession." SPb. OT SKHSPb.
2012 All-Russian exhibition "RUSSIA - My Motherland". Saransk. MRMII them. SD Erzya.
2012 All-Russia Exhibition of "unity." Nizhny Novgorod. NGVK.
2013 International exhibition "Living Spring". Novocheboksarsk. NHM.
2013 "Big Volga-XI." Kazan. HSI RT GMII.
2013-14 II Kazan Biennale printmaking. Kazan. GSI. RT GMII.
2014 "Big Volga-X1." Moscow. CHA.
2015 Republican exhibition "80 years of the Union of Artists of Chuvashia." Cheboksary. CHGHM.
2016 Regional Exhibition "WATERCOLOR VOLGA". Kazan.

Participation in foreign art exhibition
1992 Art exhibition of Russian artists to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Turkish-Russian relationship. Ankara. TURKEY.
1993-94 Russische Malerei der Gegenwart. Basel. SCHWEIZ.
1995 L'Exposition personnelle «LES MOTIFS DE PROVENCE». Aix-en-Provence. FRANCE.
2003-04 «PORTRAIT». International art exhibition. USA. NM. Santa Fe.
2004 Art exhibition «RUSSIAN SAMMER IN SANTA FE». USA. New Mexico.
2005 «PORTRAIT». International art exhibition. USA. NM. Santa Fe.
2006 Exhibition of graphics at the "new Peter." Karlovy Vary. CZECH REPUBLIC.
2006 ART EXHIBITION. Art gallery. Melbourne. AUSTRALIA.

1987 Alexander Mukhin. The exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Art School number 2. Cheboksary.
1989 Alexander Mukhin. Cheboksary. CHETS.
1995 L'Exposition personnelle «LES MOTIFS DE PROVENCE». Aix-en-Provence. FRANCE.
1995 Alexander Mukhin. Moscow. ITAR-TASS.
1995 Alexander Mukhin. Moscow. House of the Russian Union of Writers.
1996 Alexander Mukhin. Moscow. "Lasta" Gallery.
2000 "MY RUSSIAN". Moscow Culture Fund. OT.
2000 Alexander Mukhin-ChEBOKSARSKIJj. Moscow. Central House of Arts.
2000 Alexander Mukhin-ChEBOKSARSKIJj and students. Moscow. CHA.
Since 2005 Alexander Mukhin-ChEBOKSARSKIJj. INTERNET.
2012-13 Alexander Mukhin-ChEBOKSARSKIJj. Novocheboksarsk MBU "IHMK". NHM.
2013 Alexander Mukhin-ChEBOKSARSKIJj. Moscow. "Khodynka" OT.
2015 Anniversary Exhibition "printed graphics." Novocheboksarsk. NDHSH.
2015 Anniversary Exhibition "printed graphics." Novocheboksarsk. MBU "IHMK". NHM.
2016 Alexander Mukhin-ChEBOKSARSKIJj. Troitsk. KTC PC "TRINITY".

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01.04.2017 08:56:27