Alexi Zaitsev, artist

Russia, Moscow
Alexi Zaitsev, artist - buy painting, print of artist Alexi Zaitsev

Alexi Zaitsev was born in 1959 in Ryazan, Russia.

He graduated in 1983 from the Ulianov Art School and worked as a book and magazine illustrator at the Union of Journalists of the USSR. In 1990, Zaitsev began to show his work at various fine art exhibitions and soon became one of the most talked about young Russian artists. His work is in great demand and usually sells out at each exhibition.

Zaitsev’s composition and style, albeit Impressionistic, seem to come alive in three dimensions. His works often include his three favorite subjects: children, nature and the sea.


Zaitsev’s works are in the permanent collections of the Institute of the Russian Economy and Culture, the Russian Embassy in Ireland, the Russian Embassy in Hungary and The Art Centre of Belfast, Ireland. Several of his works are in the fine art collections of major corporations such as Bayer AG(Germany) and Rand Xerox (USA).


He is held in the official art collection of the President of Russia (Kremlin, Moscow. Zaitsev’s paintings are also held in such important private collections as the collection of the former United States Ambassador to Russia as well as in the collections of both the present and former Russian Ambassadors to Turkey.

Works of artist

Farewell to the sea
Farewell to the sea
2024, canvas, oil, 70x60 cm
Alexi Zaitsev
Price on request
2024, canvas, oil, 50x70 cm
Alexi Zaitsev
Price on request
Chorus girl
Chorus girl
2024, canvas, oil, 90x80 cm
Alexi Zaitsev
Price on request
2024, canvas, oil, 40x45 cm
Alexi Zaitsev
2024, canvas, oil, 40x60 cm
Alexi Zaitsev
2024, canvas, oil, 40x50 cm
Alexi Zaitsev
The Artist's GuestBook

Уважаемый Алексей, я обратила внимание, что на вашем сайте из 70 размещённых работ как минимум 42 имеют явный визуальный наклон влево. Наклонено влево почти всё: фигуры людей, стволы деревьев, даже стены домов. Не стану ехидничать насчёт одной более короткой ножки хромого этюдника (шутка лежит на поверхности), но хотелось бы понять: в этом есть какой-то неслучайный смысл, или же это просто напортачил фотограф, делавший репродукции?

Ghada el-Zein, Дамаск, Минск и Киев
13.12.2017 20:37:22

Wonderful paintings. Would appreciate knowing whether you use knife, brush or both? Do you help speed drying with medium? Lastly, are there articles, videos, etc., where we might learn something? Thank you. Sylvia Kingsley (84) Journalist and occasional painter

sylvia kingsley, Watford, Herts., U.K
16.03.2016 18:11:37

Sou professor de srtes, tenho citado o sr. como um dos melhores artistas que temos visto pintando com esptula, estamos sentindo falta de suas pinturas .bom seria ver suas novidades o sr. j tem muitos fs aqui no Brasil... parabens pelo bom tralhalho que faz, diguino de admirao. um abrao , obrigado

Dom, itajay brasil
16.03.2016 18:10:18

" Ciao Alexi, sono rimasto affascinato dai tuoi dipinti, la tua tecnica a spatola è veramente sublime. Anche a me piace dipingere per hobby e spesso faccio uso della spatola,quindi cercherò di imparare qualcosa da te. Saluti dall'Italia. "

Francesco, Italia
16.03.2016 18:09:10

Hello Alexi, I'm opening an international art gallery in Portland, Maine. I'm very interested in speaking to you about your art. It is beautiful and would be a great addition to the collection I'm establishing. Please contact me. Thank you.

Susan Roux, Poland Spring, Maine, USA
16.03.2016 18:07:48