The independent scientific examination named after Tretyakova named Russian artists, who are forged most often

The independent scientific examination named after Tretyakova named Russian artists, who are forged most often
29 March 2018, Thursday

Results on the falsification of paintings over the past year brought the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INDEPENDENT EXPERTISE
behalf of P.Tretiakov. In the lead in the number of falsifications, the master of the landscape Isaac Levitan emerged.

The last year for the specialists of the Ninet named after Tretyakova turned out to be saturated: for this time they carried out examinations for 1415 items (not only paintings and graphics, but also sculptures, art objects of everyday life, porcelain and other things). 981 of the declared for examination of the value was the original, and 434 - fakes. By the way, NINE customers are not only private individuals, who wanted to gain the "treasures" found at home, but also art dealers, as well as museum organizations.

Of the famous Russian painters, the most popular among the falsifiers was Isaak Levitan: out of 17 of his works submitted for examination last year, only three proved to be genuine. The second place in popularity among scammers was taken by Ivan Aivazovsky: six paintings were mistakenly attributed to NINE, mistakenly attributed to his brush (the real "Aivazovsky" for a year was 10). In addition, experts exposed four fakes of Konstantin Korovin (there were 15 originals), two fake Alekseev Savrasovs (there were four pictures with confirmed authorship) and four fake Ivanov Shishkin (there were one original less copies).

There are in the practice of experts and very funny cases. For example, recently in Nine brought a landscape, which, according to its owners, was written by the wife of the artist Alexei Savrasov (author of the textbook "The Rooks Have Arrived") Sofya Karlovna Gerts. The hosts of the picture, absolutely sure that in their hands - a rare collector's item, argued for this authorship by the fact that the canvas was signed: "With K. Savrasov." Specialists, however, had to debunk the hopes of the owners of the landscape: it turned out that in their hands - although good, but a copy of the work of the famous painter, and the signature only confirms this.

- Previously, copy artists, while remaining anonymous, signed their work in a special way, - says the art critic Nineh. Tretyakova Anna Dergacheva. - Together with the name of the artist, they wrote in the corner of the picture "With K.", that is "from the picture": in this case - "from the picture of Savrasov." Therefore, the authorship of Alexei Kondratyevich's wife was completely ruled out.

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